Frequently asked questions

Please find below some common questions and answers.
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All The Town Deal Board Town Fund Governance

There are 7 questions with answers


What is the Town Investment Plan?


The Town Investment Plan will

  • Set out investment priorities that could drive economic growth, supported by clear evidence, building on the strengths and assets of the town.
  • Demonstrate how investment will be targeted into the economic infrastructure listed around the objective of the Fund.
  • Build on and add to existing partnerships and plans for the town, and complement other existing and emerging strategies such as Plan MK, the Central Bletchley Prospectus, neighbourhood plans and others..

You can view the Town Investment Plan document and appendices here.

Date added


Will Bletchley & Fenny Stratford automatically get funding?


No. The Government will decide which projects and which places will be supported through the Town Deal. A strong Town Investment Plan and business case will be needed that the government will then need to approve

Date added

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