Our Vision
Bletchley and Fenny Stratford will be a thriving, healthy, affordable and attractive place, where its diverse communities are celebrated and connected to opportunities to live, work and play. It will be a centre for innovation, benefitting from its excellent strategic rail connections to London, Oxford and Cambridge and taking forward the pioneering and enduring legacy of Bletchley Park to provide a bright future for all.

The Vision for the Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Deal has been developed through consideration of feedback from engagement, from discussions with key stakeholders and the Town Deal Board. An important part of the process has been to have regard to existing plans and programmes within the area which include a vision and objectives, particularly the Central Bletchley Prospectus, 2019 and the made Neighbourhood Plans for West Bletchley and the Lakes Estate.
Bletchley and Fenny Stratford: connecting people, business and places today and tomorrow