The Town Deal Board

Every Town Deal area has its own 'Town Deal Board' which will set the vision and develop the strategy for the local area.

The Government has set out clear requirements for the Board to ensure it includes a representative from all tiers of local government; the MP; local business / investor community; the Local Enterprise Partnership; a representative from a prominent local civic and faith organisations and ‘anchor institutions’ that the government defines as having a significant role in the local economy.

The role of the Board is to:

  • Develop and agree an evidence based Town Investment Plan
  • Develop a clear programme of interventions
  • Coordinate resources and influence stakeholders

The Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Deal Board held its inaugural meeting on 3 July 2020.

It is chaired by John Cove, former Chair of MK Dons Sport and Education Trust, and its members are drawn from a number of partners and organisations across Milton Keynes who have an interest in the Bletchley and Fenny Stratford area.

Read the Town Deal Board profiles.

The Board is made up of the following individuals:

  • John Cove - Chair of the Board. Former Chairman of Milton Keynes Dons FC Sport and Education Trust.
  • Councillor Pete Marland - Leader of Milton Keynes Council.
  • Delia Shephard - Clerk to Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council.
  • Judith Priest - Clerk to West Bletchley Council.
  • Angie Ravn-Aagaard - Chair of the Consortium of Bletchley Residents Associations (COBRA).
  • Ian Revell - CEO of MK Community Foundation.
  • Callum Anderson MP - Member of Parliament for Buckingham and Bletchley

The Board is not a legal entity and its role is advisory. Its purpose is to work with Milton Keynes Council, to which it is accountable as the Lead Council, to produce the Town Investment Plan which sets out a clear understanding of the local area focusing on its assets, opportunities and challenges. It will subsequently assist in the production of business cases to access Town Deal funding.