

We’ve added a new time and location for our Town Deal drop-in sessions so more people...

Research for the Bletchley and Fenny Stratford 2050 Vision Guide is underway. Engagement To...

An inflatable balloon-dome company, independent cafes and local energy efficiency installers are among...

It’s been a big year on the Town Deal programme. So, while you unwind, we rewind and take a...

The study, commissioned by Milton Keynes City Council, reports on parking in the present day as well...

During a summer of public consultations and via an online survey Bletchley and Fenny Stratford residents,...

Milton Keynes City Council is proud to announce the launch of a new grant scheme for business...

As part of the Town Deal programme, Milton Keynes City Council has been working to develop a new business...

Thanks to the Towns Fund and Milton Keynes City Council, we have an opportunity to create more healthy,...

The Brunel Centre Development Brief was approved by Delegated Decision on 27 February. ...